Drag mode


Drag is the first game mode in Racinext. It can be played solo or in a group.

How it works

The way it works is based on real-world drag racing. The drag is initiated when all of the drivers are staged (all stage lights on). When it’s initialized, the countdown begins after a random delay. The way the countdown looks depends on the selected tree configuration.

Tree configurations
Tree configurations - Full, Pro and Instant

Green light indicates that you are free to leave the stage line and drive to the finish line.


Elapsed time - Time from leaving the stage line to crossing the finish line;
Reaction time - Time from the green light turning on to the moment the stage line is left;
Total time - The sum of elapsed time and reaction time;
Speed - Average speed on the last 20m/66ft before the finish line.

How to use

Currently drag can be initiated only at predefined locations. To get a list of these locations, click on the Location tile. When you approach one of them, Christmas tree should appear.

To help you position your car at the start line of one of the lanes, a small indicator that represents your position is displayed over the pre-stage lights. The higher the indicator is, the closer you are to the staging lines. When it’s so high that it’s no longer visible, you are very close to the pre-stage line and you should roll forward very slowly.

Customize your drag race by clicking on the Preset tile. You can have multiple presets, each with different settings.

Preset options

Distance - Distance from the stage line to the finish line;
Tree - Tree configuration, which defines how the countdown is performed;
Flash duration - How long is each of the consecutive countdown lights turned on;
Tracks - Number of tracks, which defines how many cars participate in a race (except when playing solo).

What’s to come

There are a lot of improvements and features I would like to add. Here is a little list, but please remember that I do not guarantee that all of these things will be implemented.

  • Things that are most likely to be added:
    • Customizable rollout (so it’s easier to stage, especially on keyboard);
    • Better results view (showing time difference, highlighting the winner based on chosen criteria);
    • Support for more locations;
    • Results history and comparison, delta times;
    • Displaying progress of the race;
    • Championship mode;
    • Better support for >2 tracks racing;
    • Ability to define custom locations;
    • Additional Christmas tree designs.
  • More experimental things, that may not be possible:
    • Delayed start for faster car;
    • Tires warm-up;
    • Launch control or launch control assist.
  • Maybe something insane like a 3D-printed Christmas tree, that you can put on your desk or whatever and use it instead of the virtual tree.
  • And of course your suggestions.

Feel free to share your feedback on the Discord server.